Switzerland – new contract for GUGLER

Romande Energie SA awarded GUGLER Water Turbines GmbH a turn key contract for the design, manufacture and testing in the workshop, transportation to site, installation on site, testing and commissioning on site of the hydromechanical, electromechanical, electrical and automation equipment required for the Glarey hydropower generation facility,located in city of Bex.

The future Glarey hydroelectric scheme does not take water from the Avançon and only uses water from the upstream Milan scheme. The flow rate of the scheme is identical to that of the Milan scheme, i.e.7 m3/s. The net head is 30.5 m and the installed capacity of the two (2) Francis turbines is about 2.3 MW, allowing annual production of approximately 7.5 GWh. The water is returned to the Avançon river in the immediate vicinity of the power station via an underground tailrace.

The commissioning of this hydropower scheme is scheduled for end of 2023.

About GUGLER Water Turbines GmbH:

GUGLER Water Turbines GmbH is a leading supplier of – state of the art – turbine technology, supplying all types of Francis, Kaplan and Pelton turbines up to 40 MW per unit and related electro-mechanical equipment for small and medium sized hydro power plants (water to wire).

GUGLER Water Turbines GmbH supplies also special turbines, such as micro turbines, container turbines, siphon turbines, gates turbines, turbines for drinking water pipelines on a global basis.