Successful Commissioning in the 1st half of 2013


The following three hydropower plants were successfully commissioned for the company Mali Hidro:
Selecka: a 3-jet Pelton turbine with 1845 kW  output for a net head of 299 m and discharge of
0.7 m³/s.
Kamenicka: a 3-jet Pelton turbine with 1255 kW  output for a net head of 142 m and discharge of
1 m³/s.
Brajcino 1: a 3-jet Pelton turbine with 740 kW  output for a net head of 112 m and discharge of
0.75 m³/s.



A new Francis turbine with an output of 295 kW  for the existing hydropower plant Rio Indio was commissioned for the company Empresas Melo S.A.


For each of the hydropower plants Sebesel 1 and Sebesel 2 one Pelton turbine with an output of 918 kW respectively 1150 kW was succesfully commissioned for the company SEB Energy Srl located in Cluj.


In addition, two Francis turbines with an output of 430 kW each were supplied and commissioned for the hydropower plant Novaci 1 for the company ISPH. The net head is 48.7 m and the discharge 1.0 m³/s.


The hydropower plant Pobreg was the first of three hydropower plants consisting of two horizontal Francis turbines with an output of 9600 kW and 3900 kW to be commissioned for the company ENERGY DEVELOPMENT GROUP. The net head is 95 m and the discharge 10 m³/s respectively 4 m³/s.


For the hydropower plant Cartiera del Maglio one vertical Kaplan turbine with gear drive and an output of 610 kW was commissioned.

Furthermore one vertical Kaplan turbine with an output of 870 kW was commissioned for the hydropower plant Cannucciaro. The net head is 10,8 m and the discharge 9 m³/s.

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