Chile — a significant market for GUGLER Water Turbines

1) HPP Mejillones : the company Tractebel awards GUGLER Water Turbines with the contract for the design and engineering of two horizontal Kaplan Pit turbines with an output of 2244 kW and 2146 kW which shall be installed in the cool water systems of a thermal coal-fired power plant in Chile. The power plant is located on the coast and is provided with sea water for its cooling. The cooling water which is currently re-pumped into the sea shall in future pass through two Kaplan turbines thus generating electric energy.

2) HPP Montandon : GUGLER Water Turbines won the tender for the supply of one horizontal, two-jet Pelton turbine together with the appertaining electro-mechanical equipment for the hydropower plant Montandon owned by the world‘s largest copper producer CODELCO.
The Pelton turbine has an output of 2114 kW, the net head is 120 m at a discharge of 2.0 m³/s.

(2nd half 2013)